Today’s cybersecurity teams have their work cut out for them. In the past, they could easily discern the environment that needed to be protected, whether it was Apache, MySQL, Linux, etc. Today, on the other hand, it is not crystal-clear what applications need protection and how that protection can be implemented. The previous static infrastructure has been replaced by dynamic systems like DevOps and the cloud, making it more difficult than ever for security teams to implement the proper protocols.
The Challenges of Cybersecurity Teams Today
With the world of cybersecurity more dynamic than ever, it is hard for organizations and companies to keep up with all the changes. Lapses in security can lead to data compromisation, leaks, hacks, and more. When dealing with other companies or looking for potential business partners, these security lapses can create a substantial problem.
But why is the field of cybersecurity so difficult? There are four major changes that have made it especially hard for security teams to protect organizations and apps since the shift from a static to dynamic infrastructure. Read on to find out what they are.
No Standard Architecture
Legacy systems, or older methods that were used for applications, were stacked, straightforward, and simple. They were the standard that nearly everyone used. Today’s technologies, on the other hand, are designed to break legacy architectures so that developers can move faster and with more agility. The cost of speed and agility, however, is that developers create their own architecture and there is no standard. The trade-off is essentially more agility for no standardization.
Developers Do Not Always Focus on Security
Security teams once relied on a network layer to dictate functions, but now developers have become crucial in pushing most programming forward. With developers in the driver’s seat, security sometimes takes a back seat. According to the DevOps Community Survey, 48% of developers believe that security is important but do not have enough time to focus on it.
No Cohesiveness Between Teams
While developers have their own interests, so do most other components of an organization’s team. In just one company, different teams can use different clouds and CDNs (content delivery networks), which makes it harder for cybersecurity experts to create one system to protect everything.
Unknown Components
Today’s applications have many, many layers, including for long and short-term data, communication, analytics, and more. With so many layers, security teams have a hard time discerning what the actual architecture of the app is and how they can protect it. Moreover, in some cases, it is unclear which team has control over the various components of the application and, therefore, decisions that need to be made are often left unmade.
What is the Solution?
Unfortunately, given the scope of the challenges facing today’s security teams, there is no quick and easy solution. The first step is to be aware of these challenges, because without awareness, security teams are just working in the dark. With an awareness of why the current landscape is so challenging, security leaders can develop new ways to collaborate with different teams within organizations.
Interfor provides a wide range of security services for corporations, governments, agencies, and more. If there is a weak point in any of your security functions, Interfor can help identify it so your security team will be able to deal with it.